What kind of Dragon are you?
What kind of Dragon are you?
Find out what kind of dragon you are!
Find out what kind of dragon you are!

What is your Favorite color
How old are?
What TV show is your favorite?
Which of the following describe you best?
Its a Saturday night what are you doing?
Kill One
Favorite food!
Favorite pokemon
Old Dragon
Old Dragon
You are an old and wise dragon. One that has been through many life experiences (may even have adopted a strange sense of humor) but you have survived and its why you're where you are today. You care about your family (well the ones you have left since you know you're old). Very Knowledgeable and wise compared to others in fact you may be the one person who dreads people who don't pass in life fairly and find your self punishing them.
Element= Light, and Dark
Light because you're knowledgeable and regardless of what you think you've made it this far because your a good person.
Dark because lets be realistic you've seen to much crap in your life time.
Dragon Leader Type 2
Dragon Leader Type 2
You're a dragon leader but it is funny because you rather be alone than leading the crowd. But It doesn't matter what you think you're still an amazing leader. You may be lazy at times but you're very spontaneous. No one can predict what you are thinking but your the person who thinks 50 steps ahead of everyone. Your personality can be dominating and people often do what you say because they don't have time to form an opinion of their own in your presence. You don't want anyone to know anything about you but you have your reasons don't you!
Element: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth
You shift through phases depending on your mood. You can be go with the flow like water. Take a stand with with a fiery passion. You may drift through the air currents seeing where they take you or you may be grounded on earth surprising people that there is a nice side to you.
Dragon Leader Type 1
Dragon Leader Type 1
You're someone who thrives to be the Leader. You've dedicated your life to this!! You want to mean something to the world. You're super popular and often draw a huge crowd wherever you go. You are at your best when you are around people. You basically started from the bottom and made it to the top! You don't play on giving your leader position up to anyone either.
Element: Light and Air
Air Dragon
Air Dragon
You're the dragon who cares about everything and everyone around you. You often find your self going out of your way for everyone else. You're genuinely a good person. You see the good in people. You'll find yourself frustrated if someone you love lets you down. In fact your the person who cries when they are hurt but that doesn't matter because you're still a dragon meaning you are strong. You find strength in your family and friends and your friends are lucky to have you.
Element: Air
Air is the element of the monks who cared about all life and thats who you are.
Positive qualities: vigilance, care-freedom, kind-heartedness, trusting nature, clarity, lightness, independency, dexterity, optimism, diligence, acuity, joy, smiling...
Negative qualities: lack of perseverance, gossipy, cunningness, backbiting, garrulousness, inconstancy, touchiness, prodigality.
Fire Dragon
Fire Dragon
You're angry and thats your nature. You often find your self in fights weather it be for the right or wrong reasons. You have a need to burn off your heat since you have so much of it. This is fine though because in the end of the day you're a reliable person because when people need you most you are there! Theres a passion that burns inside of you that won't stop which is good thing!
Element: Fire
Fire is your nature you are angry and passionate.
Positive qualities: vigorousness, zeal, enthusiasm, courage, decisiveness, power of creativity, daring, sedulity...
Negative qualities: quarrelsomeness, irritability, urge to destroy everything, passion, immoderacy, jealousy, voraciousness, vindictiveness, violence, hate, anger, sudden ebullition...
Water Dragon
Water Dragon
Your the Dragon who moves with the flow. You generally don't have an opinion if people tell you to do something you do it do avoid the conflict. wherever the waves take you you go.
Element: Water
Positive qualities: understanding, placidity, mildness, trusting nature, devotion, mercy, forgiveness, modesty, compassion, fervour, pliancy, meditativeness, internalization...
Negative qualities: indifference, heartlessness, laziness, indolence, rigidity, lack of daring, lack of concern, unstableness, dejection.
Earth Dragon
Earth Dragon
You're the most grounded Dragon of all. You're a realist you see things the way they are. If something is wrong you'll call it out. this is your nature. You value things are are important to you.
Element: Earth
Positive qualities: consistency, conscientiousness, perseverance, punctuality, caution, resistance, responsibility, carefulness, firmness, reliability, sobriety, ambition, respectfulness, matter-of-factness...
Negative qualities: stuffiness, superficiality, laziness, indifference, cumbersomeness, touchiness, lack of conscientiousness, irregularity, timidity, scornfulness